Arise from the Dust

Arise from the Dust

Barr Lake, CO – This painting is literally from the dust. On a beautiful day in February, I painted this cluster of cottonwoods along Barr Lake. I was happy with my results and happy that I was outside and painting again. Winter seems long this year, but luckily in...
Angry Chickadee

Angry Chickadee

“Angry Chickadee – 2020 A Tangled Mess” – Oil on Panel, Artist: Lucy StruppI saw this chickadee on a cold morning perched in the snow-laden branches of a choke cherry tree in our backyard. He looked quite mad, but he seemed content just hanging out in the tangled mess...
Waiting for the Change

Waiting for the Change

Painted en Plein Air in late June, 2020. My thoughts at the time – 2020 will be a year we will analyze for a long time. As an artist there can be some benefits to being sequestered at home. The pandemic lock down, for me, allowed more time to paint, organize my...
Lovely Littleton Colorado Plein Air Festival

Lovely Littleton Colorado Plein Air Festival

I am sitting on the patio in my backyard relaxing after 3 days of outdoor painting in Littleton, Colorado. I am feeling satisfied because I completed 5 paintings in 3 days, but more so because of sharing in the joy of painting with 50 fellow Plein Air artists. We...
My First Post

My First Post

This is my first Blog entry. I am excited to begin documenting my painting exploits with you and to share thoughts and ideas I have learned along the way. I hope you will share in my...